Bus Travel
Holy Trinity Lutheran College is a school for Horsham and the wider community. Town, country and college buses provide students the opportunity to travel to the school from areas such as:
- Brimpaen
- Dimboola
- Laharum
- Mitre
- Murra Warra
- Natimuk
- Nhill
- Tooan
- Toolondo
- Warracknabeal
- Wartook.
For more information about timetables and drop-off points please contact Main Reception.
Travel Assistance
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance to help families in rural and regional Victoria with the cost of transporting their children to their nearest appropriate school/campus. The conveyance allowance is available to eligible students travelling by public transport, private car and private bus who live 4.8km or more away from the college. More information is available from the Department of Education or get an application form from Main Reception.