Behaviour Management

The principles of courtesy, consideration, cooperation and common sense provide a sound basis for the behaviour of students in our school. They also take on a special meaning in a Christian context, when we see each other as fellow people of God who are forgiven by God when we sin.

In the classroom a clear set of expectations are maintained to support the learning process. Positive encouragement is given to reward good behaviour. Generally, students learn that there are consequences for their actions. Parents are involved in dealing with repeated occurrences of serious behaviour problems.


Holy Trinity Lutheran College does not tolerate bullying. Students should be able to come to school without being physically or emotionally harassed. Bullying includes physical harm or threats of harm, name calling, interference with personal property, exclusion of a person from a group and threatening or unpleasant behaviour using technology such as mobile phones, iPads or over the internet.

All students are encouraged to report what is happening to their teacher or the Head of their sub-school, who will act to assist in resolving the problem.