It was a pleasure to install our Student Leadership Team across Junior School, Middle School and Senior School at assembly on Monday. In Lutheran schools, we often talk about service, and I thank each of these newly installed student leaders for taking up this opportunity and serving the student body in this way. Student voice is vital, and our student leaders play an important part in making our school community a wonderful environment for both learning and relationship.
There has been much anticipation for the HTLC Fair today! As I have previously outlined, we highly value being connected as a community. Tonight is another opportunity to be a community together, having time together. I extend my thanks to our Parents, Teachers and Friends Association who have planned and organised this event, along with all of our community who are supporting it by coming along and inviting friends. I look forward to connecting with you this evening.
You would have likely heard the news that HTLC was named as the Wimmera Regional Sports Assembly Sports School of the Year. It is lovely to be recognised in this way, and reflects the willingness of our students to engage in the wide and varied opportunities we have, as well as our staff and volunteers who make these a possibility.
The HTLC Energetix Sports Aerobics Team won Total Computer Technology Team of the Year, and its coach Amanda Wik earnt Wilson Bolton and Co Coach of the Year.
As a College, we aspire to nurture the unique gifts, talents and qualities each student has, and while for some students it is in sport, others pursue their gifts in other areas. The important thing is that we all play a part in encouraging and affirming young people do their best in whatever their pursuit.
I look forward to you joining us this evening for the HTLC Fair and pray that you have a wonderful weekend!
God bless,
Mr James Phillips, College Principal
Faith News
What’s the good news?
by Dr Kirsten Due
The Spirit of the sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor (Isaiah 61:1a).
We all know what it is like to long for good news. But is Isaiah 61 only about God bringing a happy word to somewhat depressed people? Is the message of Isaiah a political one about how good societies function to help the disadvantaged? There is nothing wrong with these things, but the gospel is far more.
Isaiah 61 involves us very personally. Isaiah is not describing the life of a prisoner in Alcatraz, a person in poverty, or a grieving widow. But he is drawing on powerful imagery to describe a whole people cut off from fellowship with God because of their sin. His aim is to bring a people alienated from God by sin back to himself by the defeat of that sin. ‘That is, that God is in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting people’s sins against them’, but cancelling them (2 Corinthians 5:19).
The people Isaiah was speaking to didn’t feel poor or needy or imprisoned as they sat under their tent flaps, admiring the view, knowing that they had a holiday on the horizon and an Audi in the garage (or a good barley crop and some prize-winning grapes). But feelings can be deceptive. God said to them, ‘There’s something you’re not aware of and I’m sending my son, the Anointed One, to fix you’.
‘There’s nothing wrong with us!’, they protested.
God disagreed. If he were speaking to people like that today he may have pointed out Revelation 3:17, ‘You say, “I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.” But you do not realise that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked (NIV).’
Then as you begin to get annoyed, he says, ‘Come now, let us settle the matter, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool’ (Isaiah 1:18).
The people couldn’t argue with God, and neither can we. He was (is) so concerned about our state of alienation towards him that he promised to stop at nothing to restore us to the joy of knowing him. Yet it is not primarily for our glory – but for his. When he restores us, and the world sees that radical transformation, they praise God! We don’t need to worry about backsliding and stuffing it up again because it is God’s faithfulness in Christ that has accomplished it and God does not change.
Dear Father, you have adorned us in garments of righteousness and cleansed us from sin. We live eternally in your fatherly embrace. Your gift of righteousness means that we, who once hated you, reflect your righteous image to a suffering world. Your transformation extends from the top of our heads to the tip of our toes and from our outside ‘clothing’ to the inner grief in our hearts. You pierce right through to our innermost need. Thank you. Amen
Sub Schools News
Junior School News (24 February, 2023)
Strength-Based Character Traits
At Holy Trinity, we develop our learners as mathematicians, readers and writers, but also as well-balanced human beings! This week’s newsletter continues to use the 24 dispositions that our students and teachers are learning about at school, so as our wider community, we can also come on the journey of learning about building Strength-Based Character Traits!
School Photos
Just a reminder to lean into your parent’s strength of prudence. Students please remember to come dressed in formal summer uniform for school photos this Tuesday, 28 February. Parents and carers always appreciate you looking your best for photos. If students have Sport on that day, please bring sports clothes to get changed into. Family photos may be ordered via the website (see flyer included - Sunday 4.30pm cut-off).
Shrove Tuesday
Happy faces and full tummies were in abundance on Tuesday as we learned about some aspects of Spirituality behind Shrove Tuesday in the Junior School. Thank you to our team of students and staff who organised and catered for our pancake morning tea!
Staffing adjustment
Mrs Alethea Gulvin (Fridays in 3D) has extended her maternity leave in 2023. We are grateful that Alethea has been able to make this decision to support her growing family (husband Chris and little Lorenzo!) Mr Borgas is excited to teach in Year 3D on Fridays from now on as it feeds his Love of Learning, allowing him to better know students and families as he starts in his new position.
Exciting new playground
Resulting from plans last year, the old senior primary playground will be removed and a new playground constructed within the term. Thank you to those students who are creatively finding alternative areas of the school yard to play while the playground is fenced off as a construction site.
Spring Fair/PTFA Fair
In advance, thank you for your attendance and assistance in running the PTFA Fair! A special thanks to the PTFA members who have actioned the project as well as the staff involved. It is a focus for our school to build and strengthen our community and this is just one way we are doing a great job of this!
Enrolments for 2024
At present Mr Borgas and Erin (Enrolment Officer) are working their way through making contact with prospective parents of 2024 Prep students! If you know of anyone who is looking at where to send their Kindergarten-aged child in 2024, please use those social networks and let Erin in the office know and we will follow your lead.
Thank you to 5M who led our Chapel based on the fruit of the Spirit, Patience. It takes using appreciating another person’s perspective and great persistence to be patient, and God gives this fruit of the Spirit to those who will listen and hear His words! Next week Year 4R will be leading our Junior School worship based around the fruit of the Spirit Kindness. Please encourage your child to bring a small offering.
FJ: Orianna Lee, Joey Neumann FL: Tyson O'Neil, Anna Lourensz 1H: Audrey Koh, Melissa Medina 1P: Shiva Sharma, Frankie Ellifson 2I: Hudson Nagorcka 2S: Deaken-James Stevens 3B: Whole class 3D: Meg Arnel, Lachlan Kafegellis 3F: Javier Baker 4B: Peter Smith, Noah Myerscough 4R: Connor Dempster 5D: Charlie Bird, Victoria Wright 5H: Milton Ellis, Sienna Nitschke 5M: Camille Arthur, Kelsey Schnaars 6N: Cooper Inkster, Jenna Lockhart, Jy Dennis, all of 6N 6V: Hylton Penfold, Maya Shepherd, Yasassri Sumanapala Chinese: Yasassri Sumanapala, Hugo Poplawski Technology: Boaz Leigh, Oliver Walters Performing Arts: Linc Dennis, Brodie Aitken, Harriet Ruwoldt, Jiya Kerai PE: Ameika Engert, Lydika Boyd, Ava Smith Library: Jaxson Snowden, Henry Macumber Tiger Award: Zac O'Connor Cub Award: Jaxon Ellis Cub Award: Deaken-James Stevens
God bless,
Mr Adam Borgas, Head of Junior School
Middle School News (24 February, 2023)
Leadership Induction
As part of Monday’s Installation Service, our 2023 Student Leaders were formally inducted into their positions by College Principal Mr Phillips. We wish these students all the best as they commence their leadership roles and pray they serve the college community with honesty, respect and passion.
The following students will serve as student leaders in 2023:
Middle School Captains and Year 9 SRC
Chloe Altmann and Evan Hahn
Middle School Vice Captains and Year 9 SRC
Abbey O’Connor and Jarhyn McGrath
School Ambassadors and Year 7 SRC
Georgia Foster, Charlotte Matuschka, Bailey Dridan, Jesse Jolley
Year 8 SRC
Rachel Reichelt, Zoe Bandel, Orlando Heal
Technology Team
Aiza Ali, Orlando Heal, Ryan Clarke, Olly Clarke, Thomas Rudolph, Hannah Polack and Scarlett Nuttall
Inter-house Swimming Carnival
Last week was the Secondary School Inter-House Swimming Carnival. The day provided opportunities for all students to participate in championship races, relays and novelty events in order to gain points towards winning the House Shield. There were many outstanding individual performances on the day and congratulations to those students who were awarded Age Champions. I was equally impressed by the willingness of students to put their hands up to participate in events, even if they weren’t the strongest of swimmers. The atmosphere on the day was fantastic and the support, encouragement and friendly competition was a real highlight of the day. Well done to Mr Kuchel and the PE team for organising this event, and a huge congratulations to Wimmera for taking out the House Shield (for a second year in a row) in a tightly-fought contest.
Rite Journey Activity Day and Calling/Departure Ceremony
The Rite Journey program consists of 7 Rites of Passage. Over the course of the year, our Year 9 students will acknowledge seven key events that will help their development towards adulthood:
STAGE 1: The Calling: At Mt Arapiles the students show gratitude for their childhood and are called on their journey to adulthood.
STAGE 2: The Departure: Parents and carers join the students for an opportunity to learn, reflect and look forward.
STAGE 3: The Following: The iDesign project allows a mentoring program to place another adult in the young person’s life to help them achieve a significant project
STAGE 4: The Challenges: Resilience is built in the students by giving them challenges and helping them acquire the resources necessary to overcome them. The Year 9s will need to complete 30 different challenges over the course of the year
STAGE 5: The Abyss: On the 24-hour solo, the biggest challenge of the year puts students out of their comfort zone which helps them learn more about themselves.
STAGE 6: The Return: After returning from the camp, students reflect on what they had learned and experienced over the week and celebrated their movement into beginning adulthood.
STAGE 7: The Homecoming: A gratitude ceremony and celebration where the students can acknowledge and say thank you to those who assisted them over the course of the year
Each of these 7 Stages incorporates a ceremony or celebration that leads the students to acknowledge their personal journey towards adulthood.
On Thursday last week our Year 9 students spent the day at Tandara as they participated in a range of activities to help support some of the key principles of the Rite Journey program. The Challenges assignment provides opportunities for students to step outside of their comfort zone to accelerate growth and maturity. The students had the opportunity to do this at Tandara by participating in the Leap of Faith and Vines High Ropes activities.
2023 NAPLAN testing will be earlier than it has in previous years. The tests will be held in weeks 7 and 8 of Term 1. A detailed schedule of testing will be forwarded to parents once it has been confirmed. Year 7 and Year 9 students will sit NAPLAN online testing in 2023.
Mr Jason Przibilla, Head of Middle School
Senior School News (24 February, 2023)
Swimming Sports
On Friday last week we had a day of sunshine for our 2023 Swimming Sports at the YMCA. Red, yellow and blue costumes, banners and decorations surrounded the pool as Wimmera, Mallee and Lowan competed for the annual House Shield. Students are all to be commended for their willingness and eagerness to participate in and contribute to the spirit of the day, which saw Wimmera come away the winner. Congratulations also to those students who were awarded championship for their age group.
All senior students are reminded that sports uniform may be worn on specified days for each year level and during timetabled periods for those students who have undertaken VCE programs requiring sports attire. Students are encouraged to check with their Year Level Coordinator or Homeroom teacher if they are unsure of these days.
A number of students are currently wearing incorrect socks with their sports uniform. From next week, Holy Trinity sport socks will be available for purchase from the Main Reception office. Students may bring cash to purchase them or a parent note approving the cost be added to a school account.
2022 Leaders – SRC reps
At assembly held earlier this week, student-elected Student Representative Council members for each year level were presented with their badges. We congratulate these students on their initiative and willingness to assume positions of additional responsibility.
Distance Education
Students who have chosen to undertake a Distance Education subject this year are reminded of the importance of personal organisation, ensuring that tasks are completed within the required timeframe. All students should by now have made contact with their VSV teacher and their supervising teacher at HTLC to organise tuition and support times.
After school study sessions
All senior students are encouraged to take advantage of the after school sessions when provided by staff from Monday to Thursday evenings from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Private study time is also available for students.
Mrs Sally Kuchel, Head of Senior School
Sports News
Junior Sports News (24 February, 2023)
Change of cross country dates
Please note: Junior School Cross Country dates have been changed to Friday, 28 April. More information to follow.
Preparation for athletics
A huge thank you to parents who assisted with sprint and hurdle trials on Tuesday. We will be moving forward with high jump trials in coming weeks.
Athletics Carnival
Our current athletics dates are fast approaching and we look forward to these events. If you could assist on the day please email your availability information to No experience necessary.
Foundation-Year 2: Tuesday, 21 March
Years 3-6: Thursday, 23 March
Little Desert Swimming
On Thursday, 2 March students who qualified for Little Desert Swimming will compete at the Horsham YMCA, with events running throughout the day. Students and parents have been notified about this event. Good luck to all involved.
Sports Awards
Congratulations to Mrs McDonald, Miss Burke, and the Years 4-5-6 Energetix Team who were awarded the Total Computer Technology Team of the Year Award. What an amazing achievement. Energetix coach Amanda Wik was also awarded the Wilson Bolton and Co Coach of the Year award. Well done to all involved! The accolades did not stop there as HTLC was also awarded the Quinn and Co Sporting School of the Year Award. Well done to all staff and students involved in the progression of sport throughout our College.
Mrs Jessie Ferguson, Junior School Teacher
Secondary Sports News (24 February, 2023)
The HTLC Swimming Carnival was on Friday, 17 February. With a hot and sunny 38 degrees, the carnival was underway in emphatic fashion with the coveted Fashions by the Pool kicking off proceedings. With all houses represented well, it was Lowanwho nudged out Wimmera and Mallee for fashions honours to begin the day.
With students battling out events all day, the lead was swaying between Wimmera and Lowan. It was a tense afternoon to see who could finish off the strongest and take out the shield. With a handful of big victories in the relays, Wimmera managed to pull away and establish a clear lead of both Lowan and Mallee to take out the 2023 Swimming Carnival, making it back-to-back victories for the team in Red! Congratulations to house captains Leah Eilola and Wil Tippet for leading the Wimmera house to victory!
Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Age Champion:
13 Years - Soren Foster and Ellua Boyd
14 Years - Edward Jones and Ellita Scollary
15 Years - Rosco Hair and Mia Nuttall
16 Years - Chase Briggs and Tess Wilson
17 Years - Matt Ellis and Sophie Pietsch
18-20 Years - Wil Tippet and Tulley Norton
Congratulations to the following students who were awarded House Spirit Medals:
Wimmera - Amelia Van Buuren
Mallee - Olivia Heard
Lowan - Will Pohlner
Wellbeing News
How to help when school sucks
Sometimes school sucks… or should I say sux? Anyone who’s been there knows how awful it is to be sent to what feels like prison. Every day. Friendships fail. The work is hard, or boring, or irrelevant, or all of the above. Sometimes teachers don’t understand. Anxiety, ADHD, autism, or jiggly wiggly legs make school feel like torture. And it seems like it will never, ever, ever end.
Parents struggle for solutions when school is a trial for their children. How do we help our children feel positive about learning, experience a sense of belonging, and do the work that can set them up for future success?
Join us for a webinar about how to make school suck a little less. In this webinar, you’ll receive:
5 BIG IDEAS to change the way your kids see school
Tools to help you work with your child, teachers, and the school community
Strategies you need to set your child up for a better school experience
*Note that the link will only work if you are already signed into your school’s page
A SPECIAL REPORT: Wellbeing Barometer Survey: 2023
Because parenting doesn't come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource implemented at our school to help support you in the challenges of modern-day parenting. Parenting is a learning journey and it's easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed when faced with raising happy, well and resilient young people today.
Every family has experienced some sort of difficulty or adversity in recent times, some more than others. As mental health concerns continue to rise, there have been some alarming statistics reported in relation to the mental health and wellbeing of young people. Unfortunately, the blueprint for parenting is often based on our own experiences, but this is no longer fit for purpose in raising children as citizens of tomorrow. Parents and caregivers play a vital role in providing the guidance needed to support children and adolescents as they reframe their worries and focus more on the things they can control in their life.
In this Special Report, we are seeking parent participation through a short survey. The survey is designed to provide a barometer to help gauge the state of student wellbeing within our community. We encourage you to take a few moments to complete the survey as this will help our school know the nature and extent of your concerns and determine how best we can support families in the months ahead. Responses remain anonymous and will only be reported on an aggregated basis. You are asked to base your responses on observations made in the last 12 months.
By working together we can continue to build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers as we navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for all students. Please reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you or your child, please reach out to the school or seek professional medical advice.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the College Wellbeing Team for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Please note: The family/sibling photo cut-off is Sunday, 26 February at 4.30pm. Once this time passes, the option to order a family photo disappears.
If a parent starts their online order with a family pack chosen and submits it after 4.30pm, the order will go through without the family photo. Families are advised to place their order well before then to avoid disappointment.
Field days gatekeeping volunteers
Horsham Hockey Club Come and Try Day
Learn to play with a band
National Ride2School Day
All Girls Auskick
Natimuk Show
Horsham Regional Art Gallery children’s workshops and events