Principal's Message (8 September, 2023)
I would like to acknowledge and keep in our prayers all the students and staff who depart tomorrow to travel to the Philippines. May their journey be safe, enriching, and filled with wonderful experiences. The College has developed some strong relationships in the Philippines over many years, and we pray this time would be impacting for not only our participants, but for all those they interact with. We look forward to hearing about their adventures on their return.
I also want to extend heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in the Cookie Dough Fundraiser in support of our Parent, Teachers, and Friends Association. It is exciting to anticipate the delivery next week! Your contribution will go a long way in enhancing our College community and creating memorable experiences for our students. Thank you for your continued support. We have an exceptional PTFA, who are generous in their time behind the scenes to make a difference that we all appreciate. There is always room to contribute to this wonderful association.
As previously communicated, we recently conducted an emergency drill, specifically a lockdown drill, as required by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements for schools. The safety and wellbeing of our students and staff are of utmost importance, and these drills help us ensure we are well prepared in case of any unforeseen events. On Tuesday next week, our emergency provider will supervise two additional drills to further enhance our emergency preparedness. Our dedicated Wellbeing team has been working closely with teachers to provide support to those students who have personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs). Moreover, our teachers have access to alert tones, enabling them to prepare their classes and individual students for emergency situations.
This Sunday’s Gospel reading comes from Matthew 18:15-20. This passage is used by Christians often to remind us of the importance of open and respectful communication to resolve conflict. It encourages individuals to approach one another with humility, acknowledging their own faults and seeking reconciliation with a spirit of empathy and forgiveness. This can be a tough mandate for all of us at times, but God challenges us all to consider how we bring empathy, forgiveness and reconciliation to all we interact with.
As we approach the final week of Term 3, let us all continue to make a positive difference in the lives of everyone in our College community.
I pray that you all have a wonderful and refreshing weekend.
Mr James Phillips, College Principal