Student Wellbeing

At Holy Trinity Lutheran College, we are committed to enhancing and strengthening the social, emotional and spiritual development of all students. We recognise that wellbeing is a shared responsibility and is fundamental in every aspect of school culture.

The Wellbeing Team

Our Wellbeing Team, consisting of the College Chaplain, and Wellbeing Officers, works closely together to provide a high level of support and care for all students at Holy Trinity.

College Chaplain

Our College Chaplain engages with students from Foundation to Year 12. A primary focus of the Chaplain is the promotion of student wellbeing through pastoral care, social/emotional learning and supporting students in the areas of beliefs, values, morals, ethics and religion.

Wellbeing Officer

The Wellbeing Officer engages with students from Foundation to Year 12 to enhance and strengthen students’ social and emotional development, enhancing the capacity of the school to support students in achieving their education potential. A primary focus of the Wellbeing Officer is the promotion of student wellbeing through pastoral care and social/emotional learning.

Counselling Service

Our college counselling service assists in supporting the social and emotional needs of our students. The Wellbeing Team may offer support in the following areas:

  • Consult with parents and staff with regard to providing support for a student’s social and/or emotional needs.
  • Work with teaching staff to complement existing programs and integrate new programs to address student wellbeing needs.
  • Assist with individual education planning as needed.
  • Refer to community agencies where appropriate.
  • Provide direct counselling to students on an as-needed basis.
Wellbeing Resources
  • SchoolTV is our wellbeing platform that gives parents clear, fact-based information on the many challenges faced by today’s youth. A new edition is released each month with comprehensive videos from leading specialists and organisations. You’ll also find fact sheets, suggested books, apps, websites and much more.
  • HTLC have partnered with Happy Families to offer school families a free premium membership! Sign up for the Happy Families Premium School Membership.